Aging in Place Research Study - Survey Content

Modules of our study

The Aging in Place Research Study consists of 10 modules. We will survey three different groups of seniors:

  1. Interviewee has obtained a reverse mortgage and the reverse mortgage loan is active
  2. Modules 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  3. Interviewee has obtained a reverse mortgage but the reverse mortgage loan has been terminated because of (1) sale of house or (2) death of reverse mortgage borrower
  4. Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  5. Interviewee has not obtained a reverse mortgage
  6. Modules 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Module 1: Introduction (all study participants)

Module 2: Reverse Mortgage Counseling Module (all study participants)

Module 3: Reverse Mortgage Loan Module (study participants who obtained a reverse mortgage)

Module 4: Reverse Mortgage Termination Module (study participants who terminated)

Module 5: Reverse Mortgage Declined Module (study participants who did not obtain reverse mortgage)

Module 6: Personal Finance (all study participants)

Module 7: Housing (all study participants)

Module 8: Health (all study participants)

Module 9: Financial Capability (all study participants)

Module 10 Closure


There is no separate quiz for "Training Module 3: Survey Content." Instead, if you took notes using the "Notes" links above as you read through each section, these notes will be submitted to your trainer(s).

Go to: Table of Contents
Module 4: Survey Concepts